(Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, UP, College Code - 027)
About Us
AKGEC initiated a biennial Technical Journal in 2010, fostering the dissemination of engineering and technology insights. Envisioning it as a catalyst for unleashing creativity and gaining professional recognition, our arduous journey has garnered sustained interest and support from the national technical community.

The Journal serves as a platform for researchers, academicians, developers, and industry experts, facilitating the publication of research-based papers, articles, and case studies. Covering diverse engineering branches such as electrical engineering, electronics, communication technology, and more, it currently runs in its 14th volume.Originally planned as a national-level endeavor, the Journal evolved into an international platform. Contributions from overseas universities enriched its scope, turning it into the 'AKGEC International Journal of Technology '.Supervised by IIT-background professionals, the publication process ensures blind-peer reviews and adherence to the internationally accepted IEEE style. Printed on art paper with ISSN 0975-9514, the Journal maintains a high standard of academic discourse.In recognition of intellectual contributions, articles since Volume 7 are rewarded. The best paper for each issue receives a prize of Rs.5,000, while Rs.2,500 per article is earmarked for others, fostering the noble cause of disseminating scientific and engineering knowledge.